Tuesday, April 17, 2007



Take sometime out of your busy life
Or not so busy life
and reflect on where you came
from and where you are right now
...shouldn't you be happy that you have certain things in your life
..like a family that loves you ..or a job , or your hands and feet ,,,
or just something to eat..
why be stress everyday or someday of your life?
And argue and fuse about stuff
Call some one today let them know you care,

Take time to love yourself,
because if you don't how can you love someone else?
Stop procrastinating and get stuff done that has been put aside for so long
enjoy your life for I believe you only have just one
and remember if you fall just get back up and dust off
because what wouldn't drown you will help you swim..
help you climb ,
but most of all help you within .


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well said Natty,
It sounds like you have a very positive outlook on life. You are so right, it is very important to be thankful for what we have. I am thankful I have good health, Great friends and family and that I live in a Country that is not faced with war or poverty like so many others. See you later,
David Levasseur