Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Update all of your social networks with your voice

so many social networks, so little timeNow that you’ve joined every single social network you can find, you realize that updating all of them is a real pain. Ping.fm lets you go ahead and update all of your social networks at one time. You tell Ping your update, and let them do the rest.

Now, Ping is working with SpinVox so you can make a phone call to update all of your social networks. This combination of Ping + SpinVox is a pretty cool idea. Instead of having to go to Twitter, Facebook, Pownce, MySpace and whatever other site, you can just make a phone call.

SpinVox uses its “Voice Message Conversion System” to turn spoken words into text. You can use the service to turn all of your voice mail into text. Ping.fm is now open to the public after spending some time as a private beta.

click Links below!

SpinVox Ping.fm

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